the what
Making the Tangible
In this digital world I crave the tangible. I want to make tangible items with my hands. I want my energy to evolve from me to the real items that I use around my home. Making in all forms brings our traditions to life. Whether it is knitting, sewing, quilting, 3D printing, growing food, or bringing flowers inside, the making allows us to remember the real and tangible in this world.
I also keep my traditions modern. Not all traditions need to be based in the past, especially those that are rooted in bigotry. It is my goal to keep traditions modern and take what works while leaving what doesn’t.
Knitting for over 25 years, I have knit the full gamut of projects. I most enjoy the least practical knits. Those giant lace shawls that have no use when they are done, but are almost magic to create from thin yarn and tiny needles.
Cross Stitch & Embroidery
One of the only hobbies for which I will create my own patterns. I do enjoy stitching patterns from others and LOVE a stitch along. My tastes in cross stitch lean modern but with a touch of whimsy. I don’t make many samplers or primitive stitches, but you’ll find many a modern stitch in my home.
3D printing
The dark horse of my hobbies. I print both practical and fun items for friends and family. Need a fidget? I can probably make one for you. I don’t do much 3d modeling, but I enjoy choosing the filament to take the most simple up a level.
I started my 3D printing with a couple of Creality Ender printers. This let me learn all the nitty gritty and really taught me the ins and outs of 3D printing. Now, I have just one bambu printer which allows for faster and more complicated and multi-color prints. I mostly print with PLA but have also printed with PETG and TPU
Cooking and Baking
Food: we all eat it, and in my opinion we should enjoy it. My cooking tends to go in waves wherein I focus on one ingredient or technique until I get bored and then I start again with something new.
Sewing + Quilting
I am no expert in any hobby, but have gathered amazing tips and tricks for working with difficult fabrics and complicated patterns. Have a quilt you’d like to share? Join me at the Salt Lake Modern Quilt Guild!
Vintage Bernina Machines
All of my standard sewing machines are vintage Bernina machines. The consistency and reliability of these mechanical machines mean that I don’t have to do much more than simple cleaning, oiling, and changing of needles to keep them running like new
My serger is a simple and inexpensive Brother. It serves me well on the rare occasion that I want to overlock an edge or serge a seam.
Available for Workshops + Speaking Engagements
Brittni is available to teach workshops. Her current list of workshop an speech topics can be found in the experiences portion of her website